A nasty lion once ruled over a pride. He treated his lionesses like lower class and gave them no love or respect. When he wanted something, he would order them in a haughty tone, and they would never deny him because he was their leader. When there was a hunt, he would lie down under the shade as the lionesses strained in the burning sun to bring back food for the pride. He would never lift a paw to help them, but only roughly order them to get the food. And when the hunt came back, he would proudly walk to the carcass and eat his fill of the best portions and leave what remains for the tired huntresses.
The lionessess did not mind the work that they did because it was their responsibility. Nor did they mind him ordering them around, because it was his job.
What they did mind is the way he treats them. The way he talks to them, the way he orders them about, the way he shows them his appreciation – or not show them.
One day as the nasty lion was napping as usual, the lionessess saw a pair of male lions walk into their territory. When grown male lions walk into another male lions territory, it is never for a friendly visit.
“We must warn the boss” one of the lionessess said, because a fight was definitly coming.
“No” said the oldest and wisest of the lionessess. “This is not our responsibility. We are not obliged to help the boss in a fight for the pride. This is his job, let him do his job”
The lionessess were many and strong. They could have defeated the two young male lions with ease, or at the very least give the nasty lion a warning about their coming.
But they did neither because it was not their responsibility. They were not obliged to do more than what is their responsibility and they had no reason to exert themselves more than they have to for a leader as nasty as the nasty lion.
The nasty lion was caught by surprise. The two younger lions ganged up on him.
“Get rid of these miscreants!” he ordered his lionessess in his usual tone. He fully expected them to obediently comply as usual, so it made him angry when they did not come bounding to his orders. But when he saw them lying in the shade as if watching an amusing show, dismay settled in.
The nasty lion was defeated and chased out of the pride that was once his. He lost a battle that he may have won if the lionessess had alerted him, and that he would have definitly won if they had helped him – if only he had treated them with more respect.
1. There is a world of difference between a leader who is feared and a leader who is respected.
2. It never does to be a leader who leads by fear.
3. If you lead by fear, you may be able to make your subordinates do their job, but you can never make them do more than what they have to do.
4. Everyone will need help some times. Do not be arrogant into thinking that you can survive on your own.
5. So treat others so that they will be willing to do more than their share and lend you a helping hand when you need it.
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